Steroid side effects

And a personal message from our owners

We take safety extremely serious & with any doubt or side effect regarding our products or your health regarding your steroid uses that cause concern I would ask you contact us immediately for advice.

While we have listed every side effect of steroids below I would like to place it in context of other drugs and usage.

Everything we can consume in the modern world contains some form of drug, From a Food colouring to something prescribed by a doctor. All of these have negative side effects.

When taking something in moderation and with care the effects can be minimal the effects should be small however all of the information is below and if you do find for any reason a side effect we would recommend to stop using the product and contact us for a solution.

If you find you are becoming addicted to steroids we can blacklist you on request and would advise speaking to an expert for a recovery process. Here

Always be safe – Buy Anabolic Steroids online Team.

List of drugs by severity

You may have to scroll down to find steroids!

1. Heroin
2. Cocaine
3. Barbituates
4. Street methadone
5. Alcohol
6. Ketamine
7. Benzodiazepines
8. Amphetamine
9. Tobacco
10. Buprenorphine
11. Cannabis
12. Solvents
13. 4-MTA
14. LSD
15. Methylphenidate
16. Anabolic steroids – Parcetamol would rank higher!
17. GHB
18. Ecstasy
19. Alykl nitrites
20. Khat

1. Natural Hormones
Your body automatically adjusts hormones accordingly giving you homeostasis which is a balanced state.

When taking steroids (depending on the steroid) the brain will be given mixed messages and will either slow down or stop naturally producing testosterone while you are artificially supplementing it.

People who have been studied for a year having all hormones measured were within normal range so the effects were reversible and it caused no long term effects.

2. Liver Damage
The media loves to portray liver damage effecting every steroid user which is completely untrue. Oral steroids usually pass straight through the liver then broken down by the various enzymes then passed into the bloodstream. The research shows enzymes levels are elevated after injection.
This does not mean the liver is damaged! Its like your heart beating faster after a run, your using heart more therefore is going to beat faster! The enzymes themselves are fine after all of the tests and research using extremely heavy dosages of oral steroids found that after all of the liver enzymes where in normal range both within humans and rats!

When looking further into liver damage it turns out paracetamol is more likely to have long term damage on your liver than oral steroids.
When looking at ex body builders from all ranges from semi pro to elite body builders within 3 months all liver activity after a cycle was completely back to normal.

This all said there is still a slight increase in liver activity so we would recommend using milk thistle of heavier courses of steroids.

3. Cholesterol
Steroids can lower the good cholesterol within the body which helps protect arteries by passing unused cholesterol through the liver.

In some steroids your body will actually produce more good cholesterol depending on the steroid and finally other keep cholesterol in a similar state to your current readings.

After all cycles it will return to normal within a couple of weeks.
If you need any specific advice of face cholesterol problems with steroids please contact us for advice.

4. Gynocomastia (breast tissue in males)
Gynocomastia or development of ‘man boobs’ is due to excess estrogen in the body this is not with every case and the development process would take a long time to form actual breasts You will notice itching of the nipples or nipple pain in which case you can stop or adjust your current cycle.

This can be counteracted by using a PCT (post course treatment) using something like Novladex or Clomiphene which usually comes as part of a PCT. Please contact us for more specific information.

5. Acne and Anabolic Steroids
Acne can develop when using steroids as the skins sebaceous gland will increase in activity promoting oilier skin which then can combine with natural factors such as dirt causing the pores to become more clogged.

Cleaning your skin regularly and being more thorough will combat this or using a anti-androgen product.

6. Roid Rage
Roid Rage is sensationalised by the media turning them into the hulk with any bit of bad news, however it couldn’t be further from the truth its highly rare and less that 5% of users had significant symptoms of aggression, violence or mania.

Increased aggressiveness is often claimed to occur with anabolic steroid use. Although it´s highly rare (less than 5%), significant psychiatric symptoms have been found in some steroid users, including aggression and increased violence, mania, and even psychosis.

It can be logically assumed that naturally aggressive people (those with certain aggressive traits) are simply more inclined to use steroids but not necessarily enhance any aggression.

If for some reason you do find a decrease in your mental health we would advise stopping your course imeditailly and contacting us for any advice you need.

7. Steroids and Baldness
Steroids have a possibility of effecting baldness in males that have a history of baldness within the family which is usually passed from the mothers side of the family. i.e your mothers father.

The reason some steroids can cause premature balding is because DHT – Dihydrotestosterone reacts with the scalp however you can take precautions against this such as Finasteride and Dutesteride. The DHT that is produced has no other effects other than cosmetic with your scalp and potential baldness however this is not the case within everyone and can be avoided.

8. Heart Problems
Athletes & Body builders have been linked to heart issues as they use the heart a lot more and increase the blood flow during peak performance steroids will also increase this but this will be a trait of all athletes and body builders regardless. Its always watching your heart rate and making sure you do not over work your heart.

If you are feeling any dizziness – blind spots – light headed Immediately stop and let your heart rate settle for around 5 minutes and let someone know you are feeling faint. If this happens persistently contact us for advice on your cycle before working out again. we will respond ASAP.

9. Virilization (male traits in women)
When women take steroids there is a potentiality that masculinzation could happen this side effect is reversible after steroid usage. some of the symptoms that may incur would be deeper voice, body hair and enlarged clitoras. for long term steroid users there are ways to avoid this such as vocal scraping. please contact us for more information.

10. High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is caused by aerobic / cardio work outs and for body builders & Steroid they should refrain from doing these types of work outs as it will raise blood pressure within the body whereas normal body building and weight lifting will be lighter on the heart and blood pressure. It is always good to monitor your heart rate anything between 140/90 is good.

11. Kidney Problems
Some steroid users may notice there urine is becoming a darker colour as the kidneys are involved in processing and filtering a foreign agent when taken. one of the most likely steroids to cause this is trenbolone however this can be alleviated by drinking lots of water and fluids again not all users will find this as a problem and some steroids are used to treat kidney problems.

12. Immune System
When introducing a new drug to the body it can effect the immune system and the way the body fights other threats so this is a potential side effect depending on the compound formulation of the steroid itself. Although there are steroids that will negatively effect the immune system some are also used to treat the immune system. Drugs such as Nandrolone have been found to enhance the survival rate and give better quaility of life to AIDS patients whereas some forms of testostrone can have negative affects again this is proportational in terms on dosage and the effects relative.